My Own Life Philosophy

So what better to follow my first blog post than to start a second one? By spilling my guts to the entire world.

So, I have my own philosophy involving my interpretation of my life's purpose. My life's purpose is simply to make sure that everyone else is happy. I try my best to hold back my annoyances and set back my grievances, although there is a certain threshold I can take. There is no such thing as a perfect person, but I believe that helping and trusting in other people will always lead to good karma and thus good fortune in the future. I know that's a silly optimistic way of viewing the glass, but I'll be silly and optimistic until I die.

I am a bit more sensitive to others' emotions than most people. I care a lot about my own image and reputation, but not physically, but status-wise. I must be friends with everyone and make no enemies, but that is simply wishful thinking. Everyone has enemies, even in the brightest of corners, because those people have the biggest shadows. In a lot of ways, I relate myself to Kaiji from Ultimate Survivor Kaiji, someone who blindly trusts in other people no matter what, even if it leads to defeat and shame.

I am also very gullible (probably shouldn't have said that, now everyone's going to start teasing me and lying to me). This is my greatest flaw and easily exploited by my closest friends. This means I can be easily tricked and manipulated by others. Another relation is to Kanzaki Nao from Liar game, someone who is brutally honest, which gets her into hopeless situations one way, yet is also how she saves herself once in a while in tough situations. I guess its the yin and yang in the world, everyone has a bit of both. ☯


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